Want Tips to help you grow? Check here for lots of great help ideas!
In order for us to receive helpful information to grow us spiritually, we must receive the truth that God loves us (John 3:16...For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.). Know that JESUS LOVES YOU!Salvation
If you have not received Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, we invite you to receive Him today. Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved." Jesus came on a rescue mission to save us from the penalty of sin. If you would like to receive Jesus today, just say this simple prayer. This one prayer will change your life forever.Salvation Prayer:
"Lord Jesus, I believe you love me, come into my heart. I confess I am a sinner and need a savior. I surrender my life to you. I ask that you forgive me of my sins and help me to walk with you. I believe you are the Son of God sent to save the world. Thank you for loving me, for saving me and for your abundant grace. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life. Amen"
We rejoice with the angels in Heaven for your new birth in Jesus Christ. Your name is NOW written in the Lamb's Book of Life eternally. It is important that you connect with a local church that will help you grow and understand the blessing of salvation you have received.
A Good Study Bible
Owning a good study Bible is an investment all Believers MUST make. A good study Bible should include word definitions within the text (Greek, Hebrew translations); have a concordance and a form of dictionary. Consult with a Christian Bookstore that will give you advice on the type of Bible that is right for you.Taking Study Notes
Here are a few quick tips when taking sermon or Bible Study notes.- Write the date and the name of the person teaching.
- Write the title of the lesson and the focus scripture.
- Listen for revelation points (points that the Holy Spirit allow to stand out in your heart and mind).
- Write one or two types of action you will take from the lesson (what to not do or what you will do).
- Write the name of one or two people you will share the message with.
- Plan to re-read your notes at least three time before you attend another service or study session.
- Pray that God will help you keep His Word in your heart.
- Pray that God will bless the teacher for the Word you received.
- Pray that you will be able to act and apply the teaching to your life.
NET (No Extra Time) Education
NET Education means you can get educated and it requires No Extra Time. We should always be in the mode of learning. Intentionally have at your fingertips ways you can learn the Word of God, hear or read an inspirational message. Fill your surroundings with the influence of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Below are some quick tips everyone can easily do.- Download an audio version of the Bible on your technology
- Take time to hear God's Word in your car or when you have a quiet time
- Listen to the Bible at bedtime
- Get audio books to listen to in your car or on mobile devices
Meditation requires some effort and time. Plan on spending time with God. Don't let long periods of time go by without quieting your spirit to hear from God. Meditate on His Word. Meditate means to ponder over something for a period of time. You think about it and examine each part of it to get revelation. You can ask questions about it and even research it more. When we meditate on something, we allow it to penetrate our soul and dwell there. Make sure you meditate on the things of God and not the things of the world.- Meditate on a focus scripture of the week. You can check here or allow the Holy Spirit to give you a scripture or thought.
- Meditate on what we teach each week. Read about upcoming studies.
Keeping journals for our spiritual and life growth can be helpful tools. Both quite time and a time of worship with music are great when writing in journals. Quiet time allows us to reflect and hear while a time of worship with music allows us to flow in creativity. Both can inspire and develop clarity. Keeping separate journals for different areas of growth can help keep us organized. I recommend having journals that reflect spiritual growth, career growth, family growth, and prayers/dreams. We may think of these all being somewhat the same, but they are truly different. It all involves us as an individual but it reflect the separate parts that help us become whole.- Spiritual growth can include what you will do to specifically to follow God's instruction, tackling challenges and steps to overcome them, progress and set backs, notes from your Bible Study time, how and who you plan to share the Word with, etc.
- Career growth can include education and job opportunity planning, networking, leadership development, volunteerism, business and career goals, etc.
- Family growth can include how God leads you to grow your marriage, children, (relatives/parents), family challenges, how God will change you as you deal with issues, record the progress and the victories, etc.
- All the journals can include prayer but a specific book on prayers is a must! A prayer journal will eventually transform into a book of worship. We will see our prayer progression as we mature in the Lord and we will begin to worship God in prayer because our love relationship will grow.
Put God's word ever before your eyes. Small efforts can have big impacts. Write or print scriptures and place them in places you visit often (bathroom mirror, house phone, car, office desk area, lunch bags, etc.) Each time you visit the place, read the scripture. Each place can have a different scripture. Change the scripture when you feel you have mastered it!Use Social Media
Watch Christian television programming as a normal part of your viewing time.Download Christian worship music on mobile devices. Download Bible apps on your mobile devices and carry the Word with you wherever you go!
Watch recommended YouTube videos noted below (skip ads when possible):
Priscilla Shirer's challenge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c69xfpwWcc
Priscilla Shirer Sister's Keeper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDo2Fr76oaM
Beth Moore Get out of the Pit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZGeQpwG3kg
Beth Moore Approaching God's Word: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDhU8Yxbbdg
Bill Wiese 23 minutes in hell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTs-inYegis
Joyce Meyer Confident Woman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpsEZdI0pNw
Fireproof the movie trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84q0SXW781c
Courageous the movie trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLYmku9OJ6A
Other Tips
[We invite you to share these tips with others.]The WORD gives us access to God's heart.
Any MISTAKE you make, God can make good of it.
BELIEVE it is possible you can do anything Christ says you can do.
Right BELIEF produces Right LIVING.
The Universal PRINCIPLES of God. remain the same. They establish a foundation and they determine the outcome of your success or failure. Do not violate the principles of God. (principles to: marriage, life, raising children, money matters, leadership, love, faith, etc.) (Matthew 6:33, Proverbs 14:12, Psalm 37:2)
Get HOOKED on the Book...Study God's Word! It is the Word of God that transforms lives.
Examine your circle of influence. Are you asking the homeless how to buy a house? Are you asking the poor how to be come wealthy? We do not look down on these, but we want to be a blessing to them. Seek wisdom from the wise.
Engage Holy Spirit more in your every move. Ask Him questions and expect an answer. Let Him guide you, teach you, instruct you and influence you in EVERY move you make.
God's Glory is where we want to be! The Glory of God is where miracles happen, where our lives are transformed, where Heaven is brought to earth. Stepping into the Glory requires time spent with God.
Don't be afraid of God's power. If He didn't want you to have it, it wouldn't be AVAILABLE to you. Have a desire to possess all God wants for you.
Wanting more of God is up to YOU. Choose to be hungry and thirsty.
Keep your eyes open for all spiritual ACTIVITY; seeing what should be prayed for.
REPENT quickly to stay in love with the Father.
GUARD your tongue, so you won't sabotage your destiny.
Be CONFIDENT in Jesus Christ and know your salvation and deliverance is real.
Jesus came to fill you up so you can be FULL and overflowing.
FIND yourself in the scripture and receive Jesus while you are there.
The journey of life is not all about us. If you are hurting, serve someone else and you will HEAL as you go.
Who is your master? None of us are absolutely free. Find out who you SERVE and why. Make sure God is at the head of the line. Eliminate the masters who don't belong.
There are rewards of TIME well spent. Spend special time with a family member or a friend. Don't be rushed, be relaxed and enjoy time to fellowship.
Empathy is a key to develop our INTEGRITY.
We try to avoid times of trouble and suffering, but they are OPPORTUNITIES to find and serve Jesus Christ.
Be a JOY chaser! Strive to have joy in your life no matter what. The joy of the Lord is your strength.
UNTIE your soul! If you have had intimate relations with someone that is not your husband, ask for repentance and for your soul to be restored. When we have intimate relations, our souls are bound to that person, so we have to break soul ties to set our souls free.
HUMBLE yourself so God won't have to.
KEEP your armor on especially when times are good.
When you pass by a person on the street, stretch out your hand and BLESS them.
Use your INFLUENCE to honor God.
Reposition yourself to get into POSITION to allow the Holy Spirit to flow in your life.
Allow ENCOURAGEMENT to become your DNA.
Don't let money problems get you down, God OWNS it all, including your debt.
True WORSHIP it is our grenade for spiritual warfare.
If someone offends you, just take the words OFF your shoulders and put it to an END (OffEnd).
When things happen, don't panic, PRAY!
PICKING up the pieces doesn't have to break your back.
Two things we should CARE about: 1) the Word of God and 2) the Souls of people.
WOMEN are vessels that hold generations and worlds to be born.
Move out of the house of ordinary and settle in the house of EXTRAORDINARY.
We are not in this journey of life along. TOGETHER is how God planned it.
Pray for the gathering of SOULS unto the Lord. Plan on telling someone about Jesus as often as you can.
Keep a journal to WRITE things down. Writing things down is a stage of bringing things to life.
PRACTICE patience so you will receive patience.
DON'T GET BURIED in someone else's troubles, pray for them and encourage them to climb out.
THANK God for all things you go through, even if it hurts. It will make you stronger.
Corporations are inside you, will you have the FAITH to let them out?
Pray for those who Lead in your church. Pray that God FILL them so they can help to FILL you.
Are you ready to receive a NOW Word from God? Just say, Speak Lord...and be ready to Hear.
Don't just hear God's Words or what your Pastor is preaching. Listen for REVELATION when you hear God's Word. What is God saying specifically to you through the preached Word? What is the Word teaching, inviting and challenging you to do?
The more we KNOW about God, the more OBEDIENT to God we can be. Spend time studying His Word. Get a good study Bible, study it and ask God to give you revelation before you study. Expect to receive revelation.
If you are married, pray with your husband daily. If you have children, pray with them daily. Establish a regular family study/devotion time for your family. TEACH God's Word in your home. Do not be lazy when it comes to the spiritual growth of your family.
An OPEN DOOR for God to enter our lives allows Him to bring in more.
When GOD SPEAKS to you, write it down. If He is speaking to you, it's important.
Live long and be strong. Speak HEALING over every sick area of your life.
SHUT DOWN FEAR! Love casts out all fear. God is love and if God is with us, fear cannot reside. Do not operate in fear.
Make DECISIONS based on God's instruction for your life.
Search out the things that are IMPORTANT TO GOD and make sure they are important to you!
Women give birth to generations; so as women, let's not only give birth, but let's give life by telling our children about the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
Don't let other people control your AGENDA. Let God direct and balance your life.
Always remember, we serve a BIG GOD and we can have big dreams. Nothing is to hard for God.
You can receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Ask God to give you the gift of praying in the Holy Spirit.
God CARES about every detail of your life and He love you!
When you are unclear about things in your life, you can ASK God to make things clear.
Extend the BOARDERS of your friendship to include people you can talk to about God. Have "God" conversations on a regular basis.
Create "SELF" days to detox from worldly stuff. Rest in the Lord so you can be revived and hear what He wants you to focus on.
Take your mind OFF YOUR PROBLEMS and pray for someone else. Blessing others helps us to mature in our walk with God. Even if we have difficult situations of our own, God does not want us to focus on the bad, but to focus on what He allows us to do to bless others.
Spend time with people who will ACTIVITATE YOUR CREATIVITY. People who help you spark ideas will sharpen your ability to launch successful ventures.
PRIORITIZE! Make a list of the most important people in your life. The people we love should get quality time from us. Don't go through life being too busy to impart wisdom and love to the people who mean the most to you.
Ask God to give you DREAMS and VISIONS! If you haven't had a good look at where God wants to take you, ask Him to show you some things. He may not show you all the details, but He will give you a glimpse.
Be CONFIDENT. When we give our lives to Jesus Christ, our confidence is in Him. Be confident in who you are. You don't have to pretend to be someone you are not. You function better when you are you.
Bury HURT! Whatever or whoever hurt you, let it rest. You are no longer subject to the pain and sorrow of hurt. Let it go and let joy overtake you.
Fast from SPENDING; only purchase what you NEED. Fasting and praying should be a lifestyle. If it's not a lifestyle you have, start today. Fasting means you give up something (sacrifice) so you can hear from God which will help you become successful in your life. We should all control our spending so we can sow into the work of building the Kindgom of God.
A creative force...your tongue! Practice creating something GOOD from your MOUTH. Watch what you say and practice sometimes not saying anything at all. Offer valuable information, not empty conversation that does not produce good fruit.
PRAY each day with your spouse. Pray each day with your children. Pray each day with SOMEBODY!
Participate in an OUTREACH effort monthly. Giving of your time, self, finances and donations are good for the mind and soul; but most of all it helps others. You can participate in outreach efforts with family and friends.
Plan on SMILING. It's Smiling Awareness Day. Do it on purpose; you can even smile at yourself in the mirror. Someone is waiting on your wonderful smile to brighten their day.
DECLUTTER your life starting with decluttering your home. Get rid of things that you don't need. Bless someone who is waiting on a blessing. As you declutter your home, you will have a different outlook. Then work on decluttering other things in your life that shouldn't be there.
Work on a HEALTHIER you! Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. No one wants to live in a run down building, not even the Holy Spirit. We should pray and ask God to help us exercise, control our diets, stay away from substance abuse strongholds (all kinds); help us have clean and healthy thoughts; and cut out the things that are not good for us, especially when they can compromise our well being.
Practice the LOVE walk daily. Make a declaration that Love is a priority in your life. Find ways that will help you love more. Plan on doing something special for others each day. It's the little things that count. Write a special note to your child, spouse or family member expressing what they mean to you and put it in a place they will be sure to find it.
Do you need God to do something special in your life? Pray that God will extend to someone else what you want God to do for you. Ask God to BLESS OTHERS before you are blessed.